Decision Demographics

About Us

Decision Demographics has been creating custom market research and program evaluation solutions since 1987. Our demographers specialize in secondary analysis of large data sets for business, association, and government clients, with an emphasis on communicating results to informed lay audiences as well as to demographic and marketing professionals. We are an SBA-certified small business. We are headquartered in Madison Wisconsin, with satellite offices in Northern Virginia and mid-Michigan.

decision demographics gear

Core Services

  • Demographic research and public policy evaluation
  • Occupation and industry labor market demographic analysis
  • Custom population projections, interactive modeling
  • Survey data assessment, matching, custom technical documentation
  • Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
  • Custom data analyses and services
    • Proprietary database analytics
    • Interactive Excel dashboards, forms, and models
    • Linking administrative data to Census Bureau and proprietary surveys
    • Enhanced user-specific codebooks for Census products

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